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Supply Chain Defense

Spirity Enterprise along with our technology partner company BlueVoyant offer a comprehensive Supply Chain Defense service (aka Third Party Risk Management - TPRM).
We will work with your organization to identify and mitigate any potential security risks within your supply chain. Our team of experienced professionals will ensure that your company is compliant with the NIS2 and DORA regulations, so you can rest assured that your supply chain is as secure as possible.

Identify, validate, prioritize, and confirm mitigation of cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

Distributed attack surface


Managing distributed risk associated with hundreds and even thousands of vendors, suppliers, and partners is quickly becoming the defining cybersecurity challenge in today’s increasingly complex environment. As organizations have increased the number and variety of third parties they work with, they have simultaneously exposed their enterprises to the vulnerabilities of those partners. The ugly truth is that 93% of 1,200 chief information officers (CIO), chief information security officers (CISO), and chief procurement officer (CPO) surveyed in the 2021 Global Supply Chain Cyber RIsk Report suffered a breach at the hands of a third party in the past 12 months. Vendors, suppliers, and partner ecosystems are critical components organizations’ own attack surfaces.


Third Party Risk Management


BlueVoyant identifies and mitigates cyber threats and vulnerabilities in third-party ecosystems – not just by identifying risk, but by validating, prioritizing, and confirming mitigations have taken place through direct relationships with third parties. BlueVoyant’s Risk Operations Center (ROC) is staffed by our team of world-class cybersecurity experts, has access to the largest globally distributed private and opensource datasets, and automates previously manual mitigation processes. BlueVoyant leverages the strength of these attributes to help businesses and government entities protect themselves against distributed risk.

Key benefits and differentiators


– Gain visibility, prioritization, and remediation action plans for events and vulnerabilities

– Enact mitigation via direct engagement with third parties on the customer’s behalf

– Identify all third parties impacted by zero-day vulnerabilities and guide mitigation efforts at each impacted vendor within hours -not days

– Map findings against multiple regulatory and specific control frameworks

– Reflect extended digital ecosystem needs with tailored proprietary and commercially available date


Supply Chain Defense BlueVoyant Spirity

Key features and capabilities



– Continuous monitoring of the complete third-party ecosystem with existing resources


– Deployment takes place in weeks rather than months

Advanced Cyber Risk Identification Capabilities


– Superior data collection and machine learning enabled analytics result in complete view of the distributed third-party attack surface


– Analysts curate the findings to remove false positives

Remediation with Vendor Collaboration


– Platform delivers visibility, evidence, prioritization, and specific remediation action plans for events and vulnerabilities


– Analysts work directly with third parties on the company’s behalf to resolve issues

Real-Time Data


– Incorporates proprietary threat intelligence that can expose active targeting and identify imminent threats


– Provides real-time visibility into third-party risk status with alerts, confirmed incidents, and remediation status

Proactive Threat Hunting


– Proactive reviews of newly identified cyber risks and zero-days across the third-party ecosystem


– Analysts contact vendors directly to remediate in advance of any escalation resulting from a potential incident

Alignment with Control Frameworks and Risk Appetite


– Maps findings against multiple regulatory and company-specific control frameworks


– Sets risk appetite in line with desired thresholds to manage and drive risk reduction to agreed threshold

Easily deployed

Monitoring begins by loading third party’s name and domain

Continuous monitoring

For existing and new externally visible critical vulnerabilities

Risk operations center

Quickly responds and directs remediations

Fully scalable

Scales to easily cover tens of thousands of suppliers continuously

Immediately actionable

All escalated findings include immediate actions necessary

BlueVoyant combines internal and external cyber defense capabilities into an outcomes-based platform called BlueVoyant Elements™. Elements is cloud-native and continuously monitors your network, endpoints, attack surface, and supply chain plus the clear, deep, and dark web for vulnerabilities, risks, and threats; and takes action to protect your business, leveraging both machine learning-driven automation and human-led expertise. Elements can be deployed as independent solutions or together as a full-spectrum cyber defense platform. BlueVoyant’s approach to cyber defense revolves around three key pillars — technology, telemetry, and talent — that deliver industry-leading cybersecurity defense capabilities to more than 700 customers across the globe.

Supply Chain Defense BlueVoyant Spirity
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Bluevoyant Supply Chain Defense

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